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This Porn’s for you… Bud Light’s racy ad

June 6th, 2009by Vicky · No Comments

Saw this article in Times magazine about Bud Light’s new ad that uses a LOT of porn references in it.  Pretty funny.  You feel kinda sorry for this guy who is just trying to buy his favorite porn magazine without a lot of fuss.  The commercial is over 2 minutes long, but worth watching and laughing about.

They call it porn creep…that porn references are starting to creep into main stream marketing.  I think it should be porn running full tilt with sissors in this ad, as the porn references are not very subtle, and never ending.

I can remember going into stores to buy various porn magazines years ago, being embarassed about it.  Especially being a woman and buying it.  Thankfully, nothing like this happened to me.  I’m sooooo glad for the internet.  I can go and view porn without some guy looking at me like I’m some weirdo because, heh, I happen to like looking at naked .

It will be curious to see if more and more commercials start referencing porn.  Now if they would just mention one of my sites, I’d be real happy. ;)

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