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Part One of Beauty and the Beast

November 15th, 2009by Vicky · No Comments


He had roamed the earth for over a 1,600 years as a silent guardian, watching over people, and saving them when they needed him.  The son of one of the legendary knights of Arthur, Catigeren was a warrior who had no equal.  He had found out though that with great strength, came great sacrifice.
So for all those years, he’d watched from a distance. Never getting too close to humans.  Until one day he spied a Librarian leaving, and felt a connection to her he had never felt in all the years he lived.  He found himself drawn to guard her above all others, and on the day she was attacked, his life would be forever changed…
This is the first part of my EXCLUSIVE series on Got 3D Porn.  Ok, I admit, there is no porn in these pics.  Might not be in the next set either.  I’m a woman who loves romantic suspense.  So this set of pictures is definitely for those of you like me who love a good story line before the clothes come off. ;)

This is the first part of my EXCLUSIVE series inside Fantasy Worlds For Women.  Ok, I admit, there is no porn in these pics.  Might not be in the next set either.  I’m a woman who loves romantic suspense.  So this set of pictures is definitely for those of you like me who like a good story line before the clothes come off. ;)

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Working on 3D pics and a story for one of my favorites – Beauty and The Beast

November 13th, 2009by Vicky · No Comments

I have been busy at work this week releasing a 3D megasite, Got 3D Porn.  Every picture on the site has been rendered by my husband and I in the last few years.

We did a lot of stuff of women in boots, as we have a 3D boot site, but we wanted to start exploring other themes.  Plus I wanted to do more work that was geared towards women, and not just men.  Fantasy scenarios, costumes, and stories that I wanted to see put to pictures that went farther than you saw on TV or films.

So currently I’m working on a 3D set for a re-telling of Beauty and the Beast.  It was one of my all time favorite TV shows.  I had the hots for Vincent for years.  Instead of having him help a district attorney, as he did in the series, I wanted to tell a story that he watched over the city for untold years, swooping down and helping when needed, but always in the shadows, cloaked and hooded.

Until a slightly chunky, frumpy librarian started appearing and for some reason he was drawn to her more than any other woman.  So on the night she was attacked in an alley, he not only fights off her attacker, but exposes himself to her.  Will she accept him? Will she see the man, or only the beast?

Cathrine in the TV show was a strong woman who was pretty shallow.  She ended up having to change in order to see the beauty within the beast.  I want Wendy the Librarian to be a shy woman.  Teased because of her chunkiness, lost in her world of books.  As she starts to see beyond the Beast, he helps her see the beautiful woman within.

Not sure if I’ll make an “underground” world like in the tv show, and add other characters, but I definitely might do that.  I love writing, and I love making pictures in poser, so this is an excellent medium for me to create Myths, romance, and erotica for women.  Check out the site Got 3D Porn.  I admit, much right now is more geared to men than woman, but we are exploring more and more romantic themes and more will be added in the weeks to come.


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