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10 years of porn

May 13th, 2009by Vicky · No Comments

I can’t tell you the exact month, but sometime around this time, I got into the online adult industry in 1999. I started out with one little site that I ended up spending a fortune on bandwidth when I got a listing on the Hun, a popular tgp from Holland.

Through the years, I’ve seen a lot of changes. I remember learning when I was first in the business, when building a free site, to not make the index page with more than 150k load, so that dial-up people could view the page. What a difference 10 years make! I see tours now for sites with multiple megs of loads, and being on a 6 mgs speed DSL, I can load it pretty fast.

I’ve also seen more sites for women crop up. It was literally impossible for me to find anything for women when I first went online. Then a few pioneers, like the two women who run For The Girls, came up with sites catered to women.

Now there are a whole slew of erotic sites for women. I have quite a few I run myself. Sites like Give Me Cunnilingus, where I have massed 1,000s of pics of men going down and licking women to orgasm. Steamy Erotica For Her which has a little bit of everything. Couples, cunnilingus, hunks, romance and stories. And those are just two of my sites.

It has been great being in this business. I get to stay home. Enjoy being pestered by my two cats. Work daily with the man I’ve loved for 10 years (we got into the business together shortly after we met).  Do a job that doesn’t require standing all day, which I can’t do because of arthritis I developed at an early age in my ankles and knees.  This job, I can do until I’m old and gray as long as, as my husband puts it, I don’t ge arthritis in my ass, lol.  And heh, I get to look at hunky naked men every day…did I mention I REALLY enjoy the perks of my job?

I hope the people who visit this blog enjoy the sensual and tittilating pictures I put on it. The links to the galleries. I don’t get a lot of comments on the blog, and thats too bad…I’d enjoy getting feedback from people.  So speak up and comment if you like something you see!

Ten years. I wonder what the next 10 will bring?

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